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Compartir por WhatsApp

Primeras capturas: Wazzap para Nokia N9 muy cerca

FUENTE: World First: Wazzap for the Nokia N9 – Everything N9.

No hay mejor manera de empezar la semana…los avances de Wazzap van por buen camino.

Ahora que llegue el .deb


This is another Everythingn9.com world first.  I got my hands on Wazapp, the unofficial Meego-Harmattan Whatsapp client.

It works flawlessly and is pretty cool.  It also does everything a basic whatsapp client would do.  There is definitely a lot of work that tgalal from maemo.org has put into porting this app.  I am impressed by this app and tgalal deserves all the credit.
Future updates will get group convos, picture sending, and video sending.  Onto the app itself.

Here is what it looks like when it’s downloading dependencies, make sure you are online:

Here it is at the installation page:

This is what the icon of the app looks like:

This is what the first page that you start on the app looks like:

Make sure you enter your number without any hyphens or anything.

Here is the page you get after entering your number:

I’ve omitted my number from the fields but your number will be there when you get back the confirmation sms:

Here is the next page after you push save, it’s automatically on chats:

Here is the contacts page, again I’ve omitted my number and Shaun’s number:

Here is the menu for the app:

There is the option to sync contacts and about, here is the about page:

Here is my first conversation with Shaun:

Here is more chatter between us:

Notice the blue flag on the top right, every time you get a message it will show up on the homescreen as a notification, and on the feeds screen as well as the blue flag, and a vibration.

This tells me when Shaun was last seen:

This is when you turn it to landscape mode:

All in all it’s a great app an tgalal deserves a lot of credit for it.

This is a must download for me now.

.deb will be posted soon.


If you have any questions, post a comment below or send an email to arie@everythingn9.com


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Administrador de sistemas virtuales e infraestructuras IT, linuxero y entusiasta de la tecnología.

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