Instalar y usar Dockers en Centos 7
Hace un tiempo os enseñamos lo que era un Docker y como lanzarlos en vuestra nas Synology.
Cada vez que hago un laboratorio con dockers les veo mayor utilidad. Y es muy probable que para esta web y para otras que tengo construidas, migre todo a Dockers. Así que en esas cábalas me encuentro y os muestro como hacer una primera instalación en un servidor Centos 7. En este caso una máquina virtual que tengo en mi laboratorio VMware.
Empezamos con la instalación, yo lo hago como root que para eso es un laboratorio:
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[root@localhost ~]# curl -fsSL | sh |
Para usar docker como otro usuario:
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sudo usermod -aG docker your-user |
Arrancamos el servicio:
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systemctl start docker |
Verificamos que arranca correctamente:
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[root@localhost ~]# systemctl status docker ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor prese t: disabled) Active: active (running) since mar 2017-04-11 15:54:20 CEST; 2s ago Docs: Main PID: 2893 (dockerd) Memory: 15.3M CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service ├─2893 /usr/bin/dockerd └─2896 docker-containerd -l unix:///var/run/docker/libcontainerd/d... abr 11 15:54:19 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:1... abr 11 15:54:19 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:1... abr 11 15:54:19 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:1... abr 11 15:54:19 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:1... abr 11 15:54:19 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:1... abr 11 15:54:20 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:2... abr 11 15:54:20 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:2... abr 11 15:54:20 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:2... abr 11 15:54:20 localhost.localdomain dockerd[2893]: time="2017-04-11T15:54:2... abr 11 15:54:20 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Docker Application ... Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full. |
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Habilitamos docker para que se ejecute en el arranque: [root@localhost ~]# systemctl enable docker Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service. |
Pues ya está…¿no ha sido difícil no?
Ahora vamos a jugar un poco con lo que hemos instalado.
Ahora los comandos que hay que utilizar pasan por una sentencia parecida a ésta:
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docker [option] [command] [arguments] |
Para revisar todos los subcomandos de los que disponemos:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker Usage: docker COMMAND A self-sufficient runtime for containers Options: --config string Location of client config files (default "/root/.docker") -D, --debug Enable debug mode --help Print usage -H, --host list Daemon socket(s) to connect to (default []) -l, --log-level string Set the logging level ("debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error"|"fatal") (default "info") --tls Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify --tlscacert string Trust certs signed only by this CA (default "/root/.docker/ca.pem") --tlscert string Path to TLS certificate file (default "/root/.docker/cert.pem") --tlskey string Path to TLS key file (default "/root/.docker/key.pem") --tlsverify Use TLS and verify the remote -v, --version Print version information and quit Management Commands: container Manage containers image Manage images network Manage networks node Manage Swarm nodes plugin Manage plugins secret Manage Docker secrets service Manage services stack Manage Docker stacks swarm Manage Swarm system Manage Docker volume Manage volumes Commands: attach Attach to a running container build Build an image from a Dockerfile commit Create a new image from a container's changes cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem create Create a new container diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem events Get real time events from the server exec Run a command in a running container export Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive history Show the history of an image images List images import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image info Display system-wide information inspect Return low-level information on Docker objects kill Kill one or more running containers load Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN login Log in to a Docker registry logout Log out from a Docker registry logs Fetch the logs of a container pause Pause all processes within one or more containers port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container ps List containers pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry push Push an image or a repository to a registry rename Rename a container restart Restart one or more containers rm Remove one or more containers rmi Remove one or more images run Run a command in a new container save Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default) search Search the Docker Hub for images start Start one or more stopped containers stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics stop Stop one or more running containers tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE top Display the running processes of a container unpause Unpause all processes within one or more containers update Update configuration of one or more containers version Show the Docker version information wait Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command. |
Ahora vamos a comprobar que somos capaces de descargar imágenes. Prueba tonta:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/hello-world 78445dd45222: Pull complete Digest: sha256:c5515758d4c5e1e838e9cd307f6c6a0d620b5e07e6f927b07d05f6d12a1ac8d7 Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon. 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it to your terminal. To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: $ docker run -it ubuntu bash Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID: For more examples and ideas, visit: |
Si queremos buscar imágenes nuevas, por ejemplo, de “centos”:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker search centos NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED centos The official build of CentOS. 3254 [OK] jdeathe/centos-ssh CentOS-6 6.8 x86_64 / CentOS-7 7.3.1611 x8... 63 [OK] nimmis/java-centos This is docker images of CentOS 7 with dif... 25 [OK] consol/centos-xfce-vnc Centos container with "headless" VNC sessi... 24 [OK] gluster/gluster-centos Official GlusterFS Image [ CentOS-7 + Glu... 18 [OK] torusware/speedus-centos Always updated official CentOS docker imag... 8 [OK] egyptianbman/docker-centos-nginx-php A simple and highly configurable docker co... 6 [OK] nathonfowlie/centos-jre Latest CentOS image with the JRE pre-insta... 5 [OK] centos/mariadb55-centos7 4 [OK] centos/redis Redis built for CentOS 2 [OK] harisekhon/centos-scala Scala + CentOS (OpenJDK tags 2.10-jre7 - 2... 2 [OK] harisekhon/centos-java Java on CentOS (OpenJDK, tags jre/jdk7-8) 2 [OK] freenas/centos Simple CentOS Linux interactive container 1 [OK] blacklabelops/centos CentOS Base Image! Built and Updates Daily! 1 [OK] darksheer/centos Base Centos Image -- Updated hourly 1 [OK] sgfinans/docker-centos CentOS with a running sshd and Docker 1 [OK] timhughes/centos Centos with systemd installed and running 1 [OK] januswel/centos yum update-ed CentOS image 0 [OK] grossws/centos CentOS 6 and 7 base images with gosu and l... 0 [OK] grayzone/centos auto build for centos. 0 [OK] kz8s/centos Official CentOS plus epel-release 0 [OK] aguamala/centos CentOS base image 0 [OK] repositoryjp/centos Docker Image for CentOS. 0 [OK] vcatechnology/centos A CentOS Image which is updated daily 0 [OK] dmglab/centos CentOS with some extras - This is for the ... 0 [OK] |
Instalamos una oficial como es centos:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker pull centos Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from library/centos 93857f76ae30: Pull complete Digest: sha256:4eda692c08e0a065ae91d74e82fff4af3da307b4341ad61fa61771cc4659af60 Status: Downloaded newer image for centos:latest |
Arrancamos la imagen descargada:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker run centos |
Podemos ver las que tenemos arrancadas de esta forma:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE centos latest a8493f5f50ff 4 days ago 192MB hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 2 months ago 1.84kB |
Si queremos conectarnos al docker como lo haríamos como una máquina virtual lanzamos el siguiente comando. Os pongo un ejemplo tonto, como paso de mi host, al docker:
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[root@localhost ~]# hostname localhost.localdomain [root@localhost ~]# docker run -it centos [root@f97e6a803bbf /]# hostname f97e6a803bbf |
Ahora le instalamos algo, un ejemplo con mysql:
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[root@f97e6a803bbf /]# yum -y install mysql |
Una vez instalado, si queremos guardar los cambios deberemos “sellar” el docker para poder utilizarlo de “plantilla” para otros dockers. Así que salimos de él y guardamos de esta forma:
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[root@f97e6a803bbf /]# exit exit [root@localhost ~]# docker commit -m "Centos+Mysql" -a "El Blog de Negu" f97e6a803bbf repositorio/centos-mysql sha256:ba6b5228fc45b102f5b69127085c046de91161448b00e595d8af916859408cf8 |
Ahora vemos una imagen nueva:
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[root@localhost ~]# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE <strong>repositorio/centos-mysql </strong> latest ba6b5228fc45 About a minute ago 365MB centos latest a8493f5f50ff 4 days ago 192MB hello-world latest 48b5124b2768 2 months ago 1.84kB |
Otros comandos necesarios para manejaros con Dockers.
Dockers activos:
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docker ps |
Dockers activos e inactivos:
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docker ps -a |
Último docker creado:
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docker ps -l |
Parar docker:
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docker stop id-contenedor |
Arrancar docker:
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docker start id-contenedor |
Y por ahora más que suficiente para empezar…os seguiremos enseñando más “cosikas” sobre este interesante mundo. 🙂
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