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Recertificación de VCP5-DCV

Recertificación de VCP5-DCV

Hace ya unos meses VMware anuncio un cambio en su política de certificaciones de forma que tenían una “fecha de caducidad” en lugar de ser indefinidas.

Estos días, VMware ha publicado un nuevo examen de recertificación de VCP5-DCV, válido para aquellos que se certificaron con el examen VCP510, de forma que sólo sea necesario examinarse de los cambios entre el examen VCP510 y VCP550, o lo que es lo mismo, las novedades de vSphere 5.5.


Este examen sólo va a estar disponible hasta el 30 de Noviembre, pero es muy útil para quien tenga que renovar la certificación antes del 10 de marzo de 2015, fecha límite para hacerlo.

Los beneficios de este examen son:

  • Examen basado sólo en las diferencias entre los examenes de vSphere 5.0/5.1 y vSphere 5.5
  • Ahorro en el tiempo de preparación
  • Estará disponible de forma online, de forma que no es necesario desplazarse a un centro homologado.
  • Ahorro de dinero, al ser más barato que ún examen de certificación

Este sería el temario con las diferencias entre los dos exámenes:

  • Section 1 – Plan, Install, Configure and Upgrade vCenter Server and VMware ESXi
    • Objective 1.2 — Install and Configure vCenter Server
      • Identify vCenter Server and vCenter Server database requirements
      • Identify Single Sign-On requirements
      • Install and Configure the vSphere Client / vSphere Web Client
      • Create a database connection to the vCenter Server database
    • Objective 1.3 – Install and Configure VMware ESXi
      • Identify ESXi host requirements
      • Select a CPU power management policy
    • Objective 1.4 – Plan and Perform Upgrades of vCenter Server and VMware ESXi
      • Stage multiple ESXi Host upgrades
    • Objective 1.5 –Secure vCenter Server and ESXi
      • Describe Single Sign-On architecture
      • Differentiate Single-Sign-On Deployment Scenarios
      • Configure and administer Single Sign-On
      • Manage Single Sign-On users and groups
  • Section 2 – Plan and Configure vSphere Networking
    • Objective 2.2 – Configure vSphere Distributed Switches
      • Configure vSphere Distributed Switch general and dvPort group settings
      • Monitor dvPort state
      • Backup/Restore vDS configuration
      • Configure LACP on Uplink portgroups
    • Objective 2.3 – Configure vSS and vDS Policies
      • Describe vDS Security Polices/Settings
  • Section 3 – Plan and Configure vSphere Storage
    • Objective 3.1 – Configure Shared Storage for vSphere
      • Configure FC/iSCSI LUNs as ESXi boot devices
  • Section 4 – Deploy and Administer Virtual Machines and vApps
    • Objective 4.3 – Manage Virtual Machine Clones and Templates
      • Create a Local/Remote Content Library with/without external storage (VMs, ISOs, Scripts, vApps)
      • Publish/Subscribe/Share a Content Library
    • Objective 4.4 – Administer Virtual Machines and vApps
      • Configure USB passthrough from an ESXi Host
      • Configure Serial port redirection
  • Section 5 – Establish and Maintain Service Levels
    • Objective 5.1 – Create and Configure VMware Clusters
      • Enable/Configure/Disable Host Power Management/Distributed Power Management
      • Enable BIOS P/C states
      • Determine appropriate power threshold for a given implementation
    • Objective 5.3 – Create and Administer Resource Pools
      • Describe vFlash architecture
      • Create/Delete vFlash Resource Pool
      • Assign vFlash resources to VMDKs
    • Objective 5.5 – Backup and Restore Virtual Machines
      • Identify snapshot requirements
      • Identify VMware Data Protection requirements
      • Explain VMware Data Protection sizing guidelines
      • Differentiate between VDP and VDPA
      • Describe vSphere Replication architecture
      • Create/Delete/Consolidate virtual machine snapshots
      • Install and Configure VMware Data Protection
      • Create a backup job with VMware Date Protection
      • Manage and monitor VDP capacity
      • Perform a test/live full/file-level restore with VMware Data Protection
      • Perform a VDR data migration
      • Install/Configure/Upgrade vSphere Replication
      • Configure Replication for Single/Multiple VMs
      • Recover a VM using vSphere Replication
      • Perform a failback operation using vSphere Replication
      • Determine appropriate backup solution for a given vSphere implementation
    • Objective 5.6 – Patch and Update ESXi and Virtual Machines
      • Import/Export a Host Profile
  • Section 7 – Monitor a vSphere Implementation
    • Objective 7.3 – Install, Configure and Administer vCenter Operations Manager
      • Differentiate Major/Minor vCOPs badges
      • Explain vCOPs architecture
      • Deploy and Configure vCOPs appliance
      • Upgrade vCOPs
      • Understand metrics used by Major/Minor vCOPs badges
      • Monitor vSphere environment


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El Blog de Negu

Acerca de Roberto Orayen

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