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Nitroid for N9 updated: Alpha release #3

FUENTE: Nitroid for N9 updated: Alpha release.

– based on Android Open-Source Project (AOSP) v 4.0.4_r1.2 (IMM76I)
– Google Applications (GApps), PlayStore (Android Market)
– dualboot kernel (without reflashing), ability to choose OS after power on.
– N950 supported (see http://forum.nitdroid.com/index.php?topic=134.0)
– 3D drivers, OpenGL, hwrotation
– touchscreen (multitouch)
– hw buttons (volume, power)
– ECI accessory (headset buttons)
– USB networking
– lcd off in sleep mode, electron beam effect (demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFMTofYt_2g)
– alarm driver, RTC
– mounting MyDocs as “SDCard” [realized; NOT FIXED, but HACK EXISTS] – basic video decoding (sw) and playback, youtube
– wifi (only basic functionality: able to connect to AP, linkspeed/RSSI (signal strength) indication. no tethering).
– basic CellMo functionality: network registration, USSD, SMS, data (GPRS/EDGE/3G), signaling. Actually, ofono/ofono-ril stack is used: all things that it able to do on the n900. “Roaming problem” seems to be fixed (please, confirm).
– bluetooth (scanning, can pair devices. I’m able to send files between SGS2 and N9. Rapoo keyboard – ok. I didn’t test deeper.).
– reliable charging, battery status. Battery information at system level (you can use third-part apps for battery/charging monitoring)
– sensors: accelerometer
– audio: playback (audio routing to: loudspeaker, headset or earpiece), jack switch in kernel (h2w), preliminary microphone support (voicesearch, shazam/soundhound – ok)
– lights HAL (lcd brightness)
– fakeGPS (ability to trick system and set any location as GPS fix), no real GPS support yet!
– root access (via adb shell; su/Superuser.apk)

a lot of minor and major bugfixes since alpha_2.

Known bugs:
– little gfx glitch while horizontal scrolling.



El Blog de Negu

Acerca de Raul Unzue Pulido

Administrador de sistemas virtuales e infraestructuras IT, linuxero y entusiasta de la tecnología.

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