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Modificar imagen standby Nokia N9

Fuente: http://makesyouhappy.org/?p=167

There are two ways to do this, but first we need a nice image. I used this small tux:

The picture must have a maximum size of 120 x 120 pixel and can only consist of black and white.

You can use an application called LPMCustomizer for this. Download it here: http://my-meego.com/software/applications.php?name=LPMCustomizer&faq=13&fldAuto=406

Just open the debian package with the N9 and it should install the application automatically. This app doesn’t work for me so I tried the terminal way.

First copy the image to a folder you normally don’t see so that you can’t delete the image by accident. I copied it to “/home/user/” with this command:

cp /home/user/MyDocs/Pictures/tux_bw.png /home/user/standby.png
Now you can just open the Terminal application and enter the following command

gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/meego/screen_lock/low_power_mode/operator_logo /home/user/standby.png
When everything goes right your standby scren should look like this now:

Some other nice standby pictures for you:


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