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Instalar Nitdroid en Nokia N9

Fuente: How To Nitdroid del instalador: instalacion GingerBread N12 Umay – maemo.org – Talk.

This guide is for whom want to use Nitdroid-Installer to install Gingerbread N12 UMay

  1. Download lastest Nitdroid Installer (http://downloads.nitdroid.com/nitins….2.7_armel.deb) and install it
    If you use dpkg -i to install and you not have an older version (i.e. 0.2.6) already installed, you should manage by hand all dependecies (i.e. multiboot, rootsh, …etc).
    As workaround please before install 0.2.6 from repository and then manual update to 0.2.7.
    This can be done with:


  2. Create on folder /home/user/MyDocs/ a text file named “nitdroid.manifest” and copy into it this text:

    Or use the prebuild manifest attached to this post (decompress it in MyDocs)

  3. Connect N900 to internet using UMTS or WiFi
  4. Open an xterm console and type nitdroid file:///home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid.manifest to start installation process
  5. Answer YES (upper case) to the question appeared and wait for the Nitdroid N12 UMay download and then installation process

Now directly tested by me and I confirm that it works using the supplied (attached zip) manifest!


  • Installer writes its log on file /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/installer.log
    If you have problems please read it to see what goes wrong
  • If you have problems of truncated files during download, please delete all files from directory .nitdroid before retry.

  • To avoid N900 download problems you can download all files mentioned on manifest with a PC and copy them to N900 within .nitdroid directory (on MyDocs shared disk).
    Doing so, when you will start Nitdroid-Installer, it will find out the needed files already downloaded and it will start installation without download them


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