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Desinstalar Nitdroid Nokia N9

Fuente: http://forum.nitdroid.com/index.php?topic=241.0

First read A, B, C, choose your situation, then continue.

  • A. You have vanilla device with ORIGINAL firmware
    • Preventing display Scary Warranty Void message

      – run following command in shell (as user):
      disclaimer-cal remove View-openmode
    • Prepare for NITDroid
      You should disable SIM code request, NITDroid doesn’t support it yet
    • Prepare for openmode
      You should remove accounts (will remove all setted accounts from device, you should create them again after reflashing)
      run following commands in shell (as user):
      rm -rf /home/user/.accounts
      rm -rf /home/user/.activesync
      rm -rf /home/user/.aegis
    • Flashing to dualboot kernel
      Before you proceed make sure that “Device lock” is not enabled in Harmattan (In Settings \ Security \ Device Lock \ Autolock: off). If you have an Mail-for-Exchange account configured, you may need to delete it before you can disable device lock.If flasher bombs out with “Devicelock ON: cannot flash unsigned image”, then you didn’t, go back and disable it.- Download flasher for Harmattan for your OS from here: [tablets-dev] (scroll down to “Maemo Flasher-3.12.1 Tool for Harmattan for your_favorite_OS”). Install/or/unpack it.
      – Download [dualboot kernel zImage] – Download Harmattan FIASCO image using [NaviFirm+] (in wine on Linux you can use [NaviFirmEx]), only one file, filename looks like DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin (for N950 you should extract img.bin from [here])
      – Check checksums of images. DFL61[..].bin image crc32 can be found in .vpl file, in NaviFirm images list. zImage md5 at the bottom of instruction.
      – Connect device to PC (if not connected), and select Synchronization mode for USB.
      For Windows OS-es

      • Copy both images to flasher directory
      • Type in command line (cmd.exe):
        cd path_to_directory_which_contains_your_flasher
        flasher.exe -a DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin -k zImage.pr13 –flash-only=kernel –suppress-warranty-warning -f -R

      For Linux OS-es

      • Type in terminal following commands:
        cd path_to_directory_which_contains_your_downloaded_images
        sudo flasher -a DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin -k zImage.pr13 –flash-only=kernel –suppress-warranty-warning -f -R

      >> Phone will be flashed to Dualboot kernel, and then rebooted.

    • Unpacking NITDroid archive to device
      – download archive: [nitdroid_n9_ics_alpha4.tar.bz2] (place it into /home/user/MyDocs folder, for example, it’s root of N9 drive in mass storage mode)
      – run following commands in priveleged shell (devel-su):
      mkdir /home/nitdroid
      tar xjvf /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid_n9_ics_alpha4.tar.bz2 -C /home/nitdroid
    • Unpacking Sillyboot menu for dualboot to device
      – download archive: [sillyboot_2.tar.bz2] (place it into /home/user/MyDocs folder, for example, it’s root of N9 drive in mass storage mode)
      – run following command in priveleged shell (devel-su):
      tar xjvf /home/user/MyDocs/sillyboot_2.tar.bz2 -C /
      *you can use Sillyboot2 mods with another graphics: [Sillyboot v2 multiboot mods thread]Reboot phone. Push “Volume Up” button when message “Press VolUp to boot alternative OS” appear . Wait a little, pray a little…
  • B. You using other openmode kernel and DON’T WANT to disableScary Warranty Void message
    • Do only 2456.
  • C. You using openmode kernel and having Scary Warranty Void message and WANT to disable it
    • You should do FULL REFLASH to original firmware, and do all. Reflash to original image, without extra options, kernels, etc. Just:
      flasher -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin -f –suppress-warranty-warning -R

Known limitations:

  • OpenMode. Device Lock Code wouldn’t work.
  • SIMLOCK. Sorry, you are out of luck, seems to be your device is locked by operator (do you have any obligatory contract?). Please, contact Nokia or operator representatives/support for more information..


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Acerca de Raul Unzue Pulido

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  1. Keep functioning ,splendid job!

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