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Error FREENX en CentOS 6.3

Aunque NX, en este caso freenx, suele funcionar bastante bien. Cuando gestionas muchos servidores siempre suele surgir algún error.

Os enseño uno de ellos sobre Centos 6.3. El error se genera al intentar conectarme:

Freenx 1
Freenx 1

Así a primera vista parece un problema de permisos:

Freenx 2
Freenx 2

Info: Display running with pid '5292' and handler '0x221782'.

NXPROXY - Version 3.5.0

Copyright (C) 2001, 2011 NoMachine.
See http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information.

Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '5740'.
Session: Starting session at 'Mon Feb 4 12:02:33 2013'.
Info: Connection with remote proxy completed.
Info: Using LAN link parameters 1536/24/1/0.
Info: Using pack method 'adaptive-9' with session 'gnome'.
Info: Not using NX delta compression.
Info: Not using ZLIB data compression.
Info: Not using ZLIB stream compression.
Info: Not using a persistent cache.
Info: Forwarding X11 connections to display ':0'.
Info: Listening to font server connections on port '11000'.
Session: Session started at 'Mon Feb 4 12:02:36 2013'.
Warning: Protocol mismatch or no X authentication data.
Session: Terminating session at 'Mon Feb 4 12:02:36 2013'.
Info: Your session was closed before reaching a usable state.
Info: This can be due to the local X server refusing access to the client.
Info: Please check authorization provided by the remote X application.
Session: Session terminated at 'Mon Feb 4 12:02:36 2013'.


1.- Comprobar que SELINUX está deshabilitado o crear regla adecuada para que funcione :

vi /etc/selinux/config

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
# mls - Multi Level Security protection.

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
# mls - Multi Level Security protection.

Ejecutamos nxsetup –install

------> It is recommended that you use the NoMachine key for
easier setup. If you answer "y", FreeNX creates a custom
KeyPair and expects you to setup your clients manually.
"N" is default and uses the NoMachine key for installation.

Do you want to use your own custom KeyPair? [y/N] ySetting up /etc/nxserver ...done
Setting up /var/lib/nxserver/db ...done
Setting up /var/log/nx/nxserver.log ...done
Adding user "nx" to group "utmp" ...done
Setting up known_hosts and authorized_keys2 ...done
Setting up permissions ...done
Setting up cups nxipp backend ...done

----> Testing your nxserver configuration ...
Warning: Could not find nxdesktop in /usr/bin. RDP sessions won't work.
Warning: Could not find nxviewer in /usr/bin. VNC sessions won't work.
Warning: Invalid value "APPLICATION_LIBRARY_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libX11.so.6.2:/usr/lib/libXext.so.6.4:/usr/lib/libXcomp.so.2:/usr/lib/libXcompext.so:/usr/lib/libXrender.so.1.2". /usr/lib/libX11.so.6.2 could not be found. Users will not be able to run a single application in non-rootless mode.

Warning: Invalid value "CUPS_ETC=/etc/cups/"
Users will not be able to enable printing.
Warning: Invalid value "DEFAULT_X_SESSION=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession"
Users might not be able to request a default X session.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_START_CDE=cdwm"
Users will not be able to request a CDE session.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_XTERM=xterm"
Users will not be able to request an xterm session.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_SMBMOUNT=smbmount". You'll not be able to use SAMBA.
Warning: Invalid value "COMMAND_SMBUMOUNT=smbumount". You'll not be able to use SAMBA.
Warning: Invalid cupsd version of "/usr/sbin/cupsd". Need version 1.2.
Users will not be able to enable printing.
Error: Could not find 1.5.0 or 2.[01].0 or 3.[01].0 version string in nxagent. NX 1.5.0 or 2.[01].0 or 3.[012].0 backend is needed for this version of FreeNX.

Warnings occured during config check.
To enable these features please correct the configuration file.

<---- done

----> Testing your nxserver connection ...
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: not detected)
<--- done

Ok, nxserver is ready.

PAM authentication enabled:
All users will be able to login with their normal passwords.

PAM authentication will be done through SSH.
Please ensure that SSHD on localhost accepts password authentication.

You can change this behaviour in the /etc/nxserver/node.conf file.
Have Fun!


El Blog de Negu

Acerca de Raul Unzue Pulido

Administrador de sistemas virtuales e infraestructuras IT, linuxero y entusiasta de la tecnología.

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